Based on work up to 12th March only
While teachers may make a comment on the content the child has sent in since the school building closed, any assessment or judgement is based on the child's presentation and work in class up to 12th March.
No standardised test results available
As standardised tests did not take place this year, there are no standardised test results on the report cards. If your child is moving school, we advise giving the new school a copy of their 2019 report as well as their 2020 report sot that the new school can see their most recent standardised test results. This applies for those moving to secondary school as well as those moving to a different primary school.
Meaning of grades
Where a mark is given (all classes other than Junior Infants and Claire's class), that will be between 1 and 5.
3 is what is expected for each child. A mark of 3 means that your child is right on track, following the curriculum and doing fine. We expect that 60% of pupils - or approx 16 children in each class - would be given a mark of 3.
20% will achieve below that and we expect approx 4 children per class (15%) to be given a mark of 2 in any area and 1 child per class (5%) to be given a mark of 1.
Similarly, 20% will achieve above that with approx 4 children in a class to be given a mark of 4 and 1 child per class given a mark of 5.
This is the general bell curve for the population. Of course, every class doesn't follow that curve exactly. However, we hope that outlining it helps you to understand the marks given for your child a little better.
It is our obligation to report to TESS where a child has missed 20 days or more in a given school year. This is regardless of the reason for the absences and regardless of whether the families informed us of a reason for the absences. We have no choice in making this report.
If we are concerned about your child's attendance, we will have been in touch with you. To seek action and support from an Educational Welfare Officer in supporting your child's attendance, we need to complete a referral form. You will be informed about this at the time of referral.
Having your child's name submitted for missing 20 days or more in the school year is NOT a referral. It is simply a report.
Aladdin Connect
This year, end-of-year reports are going to you via the Aladdin Connect app. They should appear there before midday on 12th June.
For families who have not sent us consent for Aladdin Connect, we will print and post the report cards. This will happen on Tuesday 16th June.