This school year is the first year in the history of the school that our average monthly attendance has stayed above 90% every single month!
It is also the first time in the history of the school that we have had increased school attendance almost every month when compared to the previous year! There were very slight decreases, less than half a percentage point, in the months September 2016 and March 2017 but, other than these slight anomalies, every single month since February 2016 has shown improved attendance compared to the same month in the previous year!
This is absolutely wonderful and we thank and praise all the parents and pupils who make such a great effort to have high levels of school attendance.
Now for the challenge...
Since our school began, we have always, every single year, had increased levels of attendance year on year for the months April and May! They are the only months of the year that have shown improved attendance figures every single year! Can we do it again?! Yes we can!
Keep up the super work, everyone. What a great community. Thank you.