Dear Parents,
The school is continuing the process of policy development which will support its smooth running now and in the future. In line with the democratic ethos of the school, the Board of Management has again invited parents to participate in the development of these policies.
This is an exciting opportunity for parents to support the school in policy development which will direct the school’s actions into the future. Policies relate to all stake holders in the school; however the ultimate beneficiaries are our children who attend the school and so for the parent body to be a part of the process is very important.
There is a schedule of policies to be developed over the next couple of years. These policy areas range from those relating directly to our children, such as child protection and learning at home, to those relating to the operation of the school, such as building management and emergency closures, as well as communications and data protection.
Committees will be made up of teacher, Board of Management and parent representatives. The committee will meet over a number of meetings (1, 2 or 3 depending on complexity of policy area) where templates of policies will be read and adjusted to suit the ethos and needs of the school.
It is envisaged that a committee will be developed for each policy, and some committees may take on a couple of policies. Depending on interest, a panel may be formed from which a parent representative can be assigned to developing a policy. Parents are asked to put their name forward if they have a special interest/expertise in an area mentioned above and would like to be involved in policy development. As this is an on-going process you may not be contacted immediately, but your contact details will be kept on file.
Please forward your details and special interest to Clara Geaney at [email protected] by Tuesday 3rd February, where your details will be passed onto the Acting Principal, Anita Collings, who is leading the process and compiling committees.
Yours sincerely
Clara Geaney
Citywest Educate Together Parents' Association