This wonderful tool can pose danger too, however. It is important that we stay ever-more vigilant as people move to living online more.
As adults, we are stressed and worried and have nowhere to go. It might be easy to take our frustrations out online. Please remember, however, that whoever is at the other end of that communication is also stressed and worried and has nowhere to go. Better to close the laptop, put down the phone, breathe, go for a short walk or play a game with the children. When you have calmed down, try to phrase your communication in a kind way, remembering that everyone is struggling. As we always say, believe the best in other people and assume they are doing their best!
We are worried about our pupils as they interact with their friends face-to-face less and might not be meeting all of their five trusted adults to talk through a worry with or to tell about something that's happening to them.
For that reason, we have prioritised online safety for every child this week. We are asking every family to discuss online safety daily and we have given suggested age-appropriate activities on each class page.
After this week, we won't be setting that as one of the Core Four each week but we will keep updating our Online Safety page. Please use it.
Reminder: Caitriona and Anita can still intervene in cases of cyber-bullying, even though we are not at school. If you see something that is not right, STOP-BLOCK-TELL and report it to us. Thank you.