Next week is Toy Donation Week at Citywest ETNS. Please think about donating something!
- early childhood learning toys including shape sorters
- yoga balls, peanut balls and bouncy balls of all sizes
- musical toys such as shakers
- jigsaws including simple two- or three-piece ones and fit-the-shape-to-the-space ones
- building blocks
- lego and duplo
- shoe boxes
- take-away food containers
- containers of all sizes, with and without lids
- wash/laundry baskets
- cutlery holders/trays
- trays such as tea trays
- lunch boxes and tupperware-style containers
- cushions of all shapes, sizes and textures
- bean bags - small, medium, large and massive
- coloured table mats
- head phones
- baskets
- small trampoline
- play tents
- bubble tube
- bubble machine
- lava lamps
- stringed lights such as those used to decorate Christmas trees
- feely toys
- toy sweeping brushes and dustpans
- art supplies
- toy tunnel
- toddler slide
- soft play mats, including interlinking mats
- long key-chain holders
- cereal boxes
- real world toys such as a kitchen, a garage, farm set, etc.
And, of course, we will always accept books that are in good condition and age-appropriate for our pupils.
We look forward to seeing all your donations! What a great chance to do a clear-out!