We were delighted to see everyone again last week and we can tell that many families enjoyed a peaceful break while the school was closed.
This is another busy term with lots to look forward to! A reminder of some key dates:
- Friday 19th January PA Coffee morning after morning drop-off - all welcome, please come along!
- Wednesday 24th January Parents Association meeting - again, all parents and guardians are welcome so please come along!
- Thursday 25th January Open Evening for Prospective Parents - we would love to see some parents of children in our school come along to welcome parents to our community and to tell them about our school so that they can make an informed choice about which school in the area is right for their family
- Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th February Parent-teacher meetings after school - school closes at 13:55 for 1st to 5th classes
- 12th to 14th February Friendship Week including Pancake Day on Tuesday 13th
- Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February School closed for mid-term break
- Friday 2nd March PA coffee morning
- 12th to 16th March Seachtain na Gaeilge
- Monday 19th March School closed for St. Patrick's Day
- Friday 26th March Last day of term
New School Logo/Crest
We are very excited to announce the launch of our quest to create a new crest or logo for our school! Read all about it and give us your thoughts - we want to know from as many people in our community as possible!
Read on our website:
- Second-level Campaign
- New Healthy Living blog on our website