A group of parents would like to look at setting up a bus service* for our school.
We did have this in the past but there wasn't enough interest to make it financially viable for the bus company and so they stopped the service. We are now a much bigger school and may have the numbers required.
If you are interested in being a part of this group availing of a bus service*, please email Donna, who is the mother of a child in our school. Her email address is (please check your inbox for this). Please send her the following information:
- Name of your child(ren)
- Area you live in (or the area you want the child collected from or dropped to)
- Whether your child finishes school at 1.10pm or 2.10pm each day
Caitriona Hand,
*To be clear, this is a service that you would pay privately for and it would be a private agreement between parents and bus company, without the school having any responsibility for the children while on the bus, while getting to the bus in the afternoons or getting from the bus in the mornings. Neither will the school be checking insurance, registration, Garda vetting, etc of the bus company - this would be a completely private agreement and up to parents to check these things, as you would for any child-care service you might avail of.