Please make a note of the following and make sure to share this information with any other person collecting your child.
Any child arriving before 8.30am should be brought to their designated line (see below) and supervised there until the teacher takes responsibility for the children after the bell goes at 8.30am. Any child arriving after 8.30am should be accompanied through the main door of the school. Any child arriving after the second bell goes at 8.40am should be accompanied through the main door of the school and signed in at the school office.
Morning lines are as follows:
- Parents of children in Junior Infants can continue to bring their children directly to their classroom in the mornings until advised otherwise. By the end of this week, their morning line will be in the yard, in front of the school garden.
- Senior Infants lines are at the main door of the school, behind the older classes and between CSCNS and our Senior Infant classrooms.
- 1st class and 3rd class lines are in the yard, outside the door into the reception hall.
- 2nd class, 4th class and 5th class lines are at the main door of the school, between Nicola's office and the GP Hall.
- Junior Infants are collected via the main door and directly from their classroom door.
- Senior Infants are collected from the external classroom door.
- 1st class exit via the yard.
- Julie Ann's 3rd class, 4th class and 5th class exit from the main door of the school.
- 2nd classes and Eldon's 3rd class exit from the GP Hall door.
Older children should find the adult collecting them and know what to do if there is no-one there to collect them or they are not comfortable going with the person who says they are there to collect them. They are not matched in the same way as children in Infant classes. It is the parent's responsibility to have someone at the school in good time to collect their child(ren).
There are days on which children will be visiting another classroom. On those days, they will leave with the class they are visiting and you will need to go to that spot to collect or find them. In so far as is possible, children will visit the same room every time this happens throughout the school year. Don't panic the first time this happens; just come to the school office and we will direct you to the right spot.
Drop-Off Facility - message from the parent volunteer coordinator
The drop off program is running every morning to make sure the children arrive to the school building safely. It eases the pressure on the already-busy school car park and helps parents to reduce the morning stress. We cannot be successful without parental involvement. If you have free 10 minutes in the morning, come join us and help this great initiative to continue! Even if you can contribute just one morning from time to time it is a great help. If interested, please approach one of our volunteers or contact the school office.
Thank you.
Classroom visits
Parents, grandparents, family and minders are invited to visit the classroom to see the teacher and the room. Days and times as follows:
Mary Treasa's Senior Infants - 12.30pm on Wednesday 6th September
Sarah C's Senior Infants - 12.30pm on Wednesday 6th September
Sarah OT's Senior Infants - 12.30pm on Wednesday 13th September - please note the change of date due to the class being in temporary accommodation until 11th September. Thanks.
1st Class - 1.30pm on Wednesday 6th September
2nd Class - 1.30pm on Wednesday 13th September
3rd Class - 1.30pm on Wednesday 13th September
4th Class - 1.30pm on Wednesday 13th September
5th Class - 1.30pm on Wednesday 13th September
After-School Programme
The After-School Programme will commence during the week of 11th September. Class providers will visit classes this Thursday and Friday to talk with children about what happens at each class. Demos take place from Senior Infants up only. While some after-school classes are open to children in Junior Infants, we recommend waiting until at least the 2nd term before enrolling Junior Infants into after-school classes in order to give them every chance at success at school.
Payment for after-school classes is directly between parent and class provider. The school cannot take any money for after-school classes.
Parent Information Evening
The staff of Citywest ETNS will host an Information Evening for parents from 7pm to 8.30pm on Thursday 28th September. Each class teacher will give a talk about life in their class and you will have an opportunity to meet and chat with other parents. This event is strictly for adults only. No children will be permitted into the school. As we have a lot to fit in, talks will start promptly at the times given below. Late arrivals cause a disruption so please aim to be early. We will also have tea, coffee and cordial available so parents can come early or stay after their talk, chat with other staff members and with each other. It is a lovely social event for just the adults in our community and happens just once a year. We would love to see as many of you as possible and for a chat as well as for the talk.
7pm Junior Infants - go to your child's classroom; each teacher will deliver their own talk about their own class
7.15pm 1st classes and 5th class
7.30pm 2nd classes
7.45pm Senior Infants
8pm 3rd classes and 4th class
Have great week!