Thank you
Phew, what a term! It started with opening our new school building, something we waited 7.5 years for!
Little did we know at the time that that building would be sitting empty by the end of it's first term. What a rollercoaster!
I am so proud of how this community has coped with this rollercoaster term. We all - management, staff, parents and most of all children - had so much to learn.
First off, learning how to BE in our new building and in our new campus and then learning how to be without it!
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the team work and solidarity throughout this tumultuous term.
Submitting work today
If you are sending in work to your child's teacher today for the first time this week, please do so as early in the day as possible so that the teacher has time to give feedback.
Assuming we are not reopening on 20th April
Though further closures have not been announced yet, we are assuming that schools will remain closed after the spring break. There will be an announcement by our government some time over the coming fortnight. If the announcement is that we ARE reopening, I will be in touch via email - this is quite unlikely. If the announcement is that schools are staying closed, I will not be sending a further email about that.
Our teachers have prepared suggested activities for the first week back and the list for the full week will be uploaded to all class websites on Friday 17th April.
For the first week back after spring break, we are staying with the same format as this week and adding in a little bit more video content, including videos created by teachers on staff. 6th class are all set up on Google Classroom and have the option to use it.
We would like to know how you got on this week with the activities suggested and we would like your thoughts on how to develop school support for children doing schoolwork at home, should the closures go on for months.
Please find the survey here. It should take approx 10 minutes to complete. Please complete it by Friday 17th April.
We will be considering the results of the survey during the week of 20th April.
Any changes we make will be slow to allow everyone get used to them and not feel overwhelmed.
End of term
Two links to share with your children to finish the term:
- A message from me - scroll down to Friday's video.
- Our school song "All you need is Love" - let's all sing and sign it today!
All the best,