I hope you are all well. Notices of upcoming events:
- General Election and School Closure on Friday 26th February
This is in addition to the school closing for the mid-term break on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th February.
- Pre-enrolments for 2016 and future years
- Car Park - Thanks!
- Coffee morning on Friday 12th February at 8.45am
- Clothes collection in the month of February
- Two collection times? You can use our meeting room!
- Your children are your own responsibility during this time. The school is not taking care of them and is not taking responsibility for them.
- You and your child(ren) should stay in the meeting room and not be using other spaces in the school - class is still in progress for our older children and they will be using the PE hall, GP area and other parts of the school.
- If your child needs to use the toilet, you can use the toilet on the corridor but please accompany him/her there and back.
- You should bring your own snacks and activities and bring everything away with you afterwards, including your rubbish.
- You need to tidy up after yourself and leave the meeting room ready and presentable each day - we often have visitors, meeting and interviews in the evenings.
- Education Together General Election Campaign
- Citywest Educate Together Second Level Campaign - first meeting on Tuesday 9th February, 8.30pm in Citywest Hotel
There will be a 1st meeting for the second level campaign start up group on Tuesday 9th February at 20:30 in Citywest Hotel. All very welcome. Please check the parents association Facebook page for updates and information. Thank you and see you then. Lisa Breslin, Secretary, Citywest Educate Together Second Level Campaign.
- See you this week for Parent-Teacher Meetings!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend,