I am thrilled to tell you of a wonderful community-minded gesture by our neighbours. Citywest Hotel have offered the use of their car park for staff, parents and guardians of children at our school for the rest of this week. So for those parents and guardians who live too far away to be able to walk and are not on the LUAS or bus line, you can park at Citywest Hotel and walk around to the school.
I have now emailed parents who have a parking permit with access instructions for this week. If you have a parking permit and did not get a separate email from me, please reply to this email immediately. If your child travels to school in a bus or community vehicle such as from a creche, please check with the driver that they have heard from me. If your child's name is not on the list for pick-up at the Drop-Off Zone, your vehicle will not be allowed onto the campus in the afternoons.
Staff of both schools will be in the car park in the mornings and afternoons. Please obey instructions and please remember that everyone is under pressure and everyone is working to support each other. We will all need patience and kindness as we negotiate this.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.