Today the SC met for the first time as a group in the P.E hall. I had planned to spend a little bit of time having to organise the social distancing seating arrangements (I even brought a metre stick with me) but the children came in and naturally did it themselves! I'm already loving this group!
So today's meeting was just about getting to know each other as a group and having a chat about what the Student Council does. We'll get deeper into the in's and out's of our role and responsibilities over the next couple of weeks.
So today's meeting was just about getting to know each other as a group and having a chat about what the Student Council does. We'll get deeper into the in's and out's of our role and responsibilities over the next couple of weeks.
Here are some of the answers I received when I asked the children what they
thought the SC does:
'Plan events for the school'
'Try to make our school a better place'
'Try to make our school more fun'
'Fund raising'
'Make the school better'
'Help people make friends'
'Raise money for P.E, books and toys'
'Make great decisions'
'Toys for the playground'
thought the SC does:
'Plan events for the school'
'Try to make our school a better place'
'Try to make our school more fun'
'Fund raising'
'Make the school better'
'Help people make friends'
'Raise money for P.E, books and toys'
'Make great decisions'
'Toys for the playground'
We also spent a little bit of time acknowledging that our usual and staple fundraising activities might not be able to take place this year due to Covid 19, not to get disheartened if our suggestions are not taken up and to relish the challenge/opportunity to be more creative with our ideas!