Staff Meetings at Citywest ETNS
Working together, planning together and sharing information is very important to us.
We meet for one hour per month as a full staff, one hour per month for the teaching staff and we also hold various types of shorter and smaller-group meetings each week. Below is an overview of the items discussed at our long meetings.
Meetings were conducted in person, up until March 2020. Meetings are now conducted virtually, via Zoom or Google Meets.
We meet for one hour per month as a full staff, one hour per month for the teaching staff and we also hold various types of shorter and smaller-group meetings each week. Below is an overview of the items discussed at our long meetings.
Meetings were conducted in person, up until March 2020. Meetings are now conducted virtually, via Zoom or Google Meets.
January 2022
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Taking stock: Taking a moment together to acknowledge how challenging conditions are at the moment. We support one another and look after one another.
- Restorative Practice: We continue on our RP journey. Mini-Ubuntu meeting to take place in January. Staff members invited to speak with senior management, if they feel RP is not working in a particular setting.
- Emergency Evacuation Drill: Whole-school drill to take place over coming weeks.
- School Golden Rules: These should be displayed in each classroom.
- School Improvement Plan (Handwriting): Target for this term is 'To improve neatness and presentability of handwriting'. Teachers at each class level identified ways to meet this target.
- Assessment - Dictation: Whole-school dictation assessment created. This tool will be used across all class levels, JI - 6th class each year.
- Parent Teacher Meetings (PTMs): Planning for PTMs, which take place in February.
- Museum/Gallery trip: 3rd - 6th class pupils invited to visit one free museum or gallery this year, with the cost of the Luas covered by the school.
November 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Gaeilge: Decision that Lá Ghaeilge will take place each Wednesday throughout this academic year - all staff to make an effort to use Gaeilge informally around the school, with one another, with children and with wider community.
- In Loco Parentis: Discussion on what it means to be in Loco Parentis during school hours and the need to ensure consistency of reporting and communication.
- Anti-Bullying: Resources on the school Shared Drive. Important to tap into RP learning, as well as developing self-esteem and teaching kindness and empathy.
- Displays: A 'well done' to teachers for the displays of pupil work around the school building.
- Curriculum planning: Roles for curriculum planning have been divvied up. Groups to arrange to meet over coming weeks.
- ICT: Review of steps to be followed if a member of staff has an IT issue.
- Yard: Reminder to check the staffing document each morning to check if subs in each year group are required to cover yard duty. Reminder to also be punctual to yard duty.
October 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Staff communication: Staff voted on a preferred means of communication - one weekly email with all notices together, along with one fortnightly Thursday morning meeting.
- Green Schools: Green School reps from each class will stay on for one more academic year, as they were unable to fully participate in their role, due to Covid restrictions.
- Preference forms: Staff to fill out preference forms, indicating which themed events and curricular plans they would like to work on throughout this academic year.
- Classroom budgets: Reminder to staff of the various budget allocations for the year and what they can be spent on.
- Employee Assistance Programme: Reminder to staff that this resource is available.
- Social Committee: New volunteers appointed to the staff social committee. Events to be organised throughout the year.
- Sports Teams: Plan to re-start sports training this year and to re-develop school sports teams.
- Looking at our School: Time given to look at the quality framework document and explore one section.
September 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Administration of medication: Parent volunteer explained the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction and what to do in such a situation. Demonstration also provided on how to administer an epipen.
- Receipts: Reminder to staff to keep and submit all receipts for items bought for school.
- Anti-bullying and resilience building: Discussion on how to continue to build resilience in pupils and create a safe space for this to happen. Reminder to look through the PDST resources on anti-bullying.
- Themed weeks: Discussion on whether to continue with themed weeks this year and what they might look like eg. Maths Week, Friendship Week, etc. Feedback submitted and to be reviewed.
- Yard/staff room procedure: Check-in on whether the new yard and staff room procedures are working this year. General consensus is to stick with two staggered breaks, instead of three.
- School Self Evaluation: Teachers identified key areas which could be the focus for school self-evaluation this academic year. Decision taken that Gaeilge will be the area for development this year.
- Assemblies: Assemblies will restart over the coming weeks. Classes will have one class level assembly and one whole-school assembly each month. Assemblies will take place on Wednesdays this year.
- Droiched mentor: Any teacher who would like to be a Droichead mentor for the 2022/23 school year to put their name forward by Friday 17th September.
May 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- 6th class art piece: Discussion on the idea of each 6th class year group leaving a piece or art or something to mark their time in the school and something they can come back to see in years to come.
- Sports Day: Explanation of the logistics and setup for Sports Days this year. Classes will participate in Sports Day with their own year group, meaning it will take place across 8 different days. The PTA have kindly arranged for an ice-cream van to be present on one of the days, for everyone in the school to visit.
- Building maintenance: New procedure for staff for reporting any issues within the building.
- Emergency evacuation practice: All classes are must do a sample emergency evacuation drill and log the time it took to complete.
- 112 cards: These cards are only to be used in an emergency. New cards are being made and will be posted near the door in every room in the school.
- Next academic year: No update yet from the Department on what will remain the same as this year and what might be different. Updates will be given as soon as possible.
- Multilingual posters: These will be displayed around the school over the coming weeks, with key phrases and the names of various rooms displayed in many languages.
April 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- First Aid training: All staff invited to a refresher First Aid course next week, which will cover basic First Aid.
- Percentage for Art Scheme: The school is eligible for a government grant for an art project. A committee will be established to work on the project, including some pupils, members of staff, parents and an artist.
- Zoom accounts: Staff to be sent access to new school Zoom accounts from next week. Old school account will be cancelled.
- Restorative Practice (RP) Update: All classes will work to complete 4 pupil RP lessons by the middle of June.
- Review of whole-school assembly: Discussion on what parts of assembly should stay and any ideas for what could be done differently. Pupil voice to be added to this discussion.
- Home Learning: For Term 3, teachers agree to keep home learning light across the school.
- Standardised Testing: Packs to be given to teachers after May break for testing to take place.
- Alternative School Tours: Ideas and discussion around how to facilitate alternative school tours, or fun days for pupils this year.
March 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Staff voice: Reminder to all that staff meetings are a space for us to share our thoughts, ideas and voice. Agenda items can be added by anyone and is encouraged.
- Restorative Practice (RP) update: Some members of staff attended an RP conference on Saturday, 6th March. One learning point is that we need consistency and buy-in from all staff for it to be of maximum benefit to our community. A community art piece will be considered in the future.
- Suicide Prevention Course: Available to staff through the HSE, if they would like to sign up.
- School calendar 2021/22: Discussion on the academic calendar for the 2021/22 school year. Staff to vote virtually on their preferred option by the end of the week.
- Additional Covid procedure: For a suspected case of Covid-19 in any classroom, each room will now have 3 cards, which will be used to alert the cleaning staff of areas to double-clean; where a child was sitting, the equipment they may have touched etc.
- Active Schools Week: Volunteers from the staff will work together to host Active Schools Week and Sports Day this year.
- P.E. Equipment: New equipment to be purchased over the coming weeks.
- Booklists: Teacher discussion on the booklists for next year, including any changes that might be made.
- Stay Safe: Reminder to teachers to keep a record of the teaching of the Stay Safe programme for this year.
February 2021
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Restorative Practice: As we continue on our restorative journey, staff are invited to attend an RP conference on the 6th March. The school has 6 free tickets, but the Board of Management will cover the cost of additional tickets if more staff would like to go. Reminder to staff to also complete the tick sheet when they have finished the online training.
- Return to school building: Awaiting announcement and guidance regarding the continuation of the phased return to the school building. So far, guidelines have made provision for high risk staff, who can continue to work from home at this time.
- Student Support Files: SSFs are due to be reviewed in March for pupils on Levels 2 and 3 of the continuum of support. Support teachers are to link in with class teachers over the next week to discuss and finalise targets for each child. These new plans and targets will run until October.
- Support teacher email accounts: Support teachers have been set up with school email accounts for use during distance learning.
- School calendar: Discussion on the idea of using some discretionary days in the calendar for the 2021/22 school year to allow for time off around the major festivals and celebrations in non-Christian faiths.
- Policy reviews: Policies are currently under review and will be ratified by the BOM following staff input.
- School tours: Small group discussion on ideas around alternative school tours which could be organised for this year. Ideas gathered, to be discussed in further detail at another staff meeting.
- Cuntas Míosúil (CM) Submissions: Teacher CMs are due to be uploaded to the Shared Drive on the 1st Friday of each month for the previous month.
- Book lists for next year: Teachers are to check book lists for their class level on the school website and see if any changes are needed for next year.
- EPV days: Only 2 EPV days will be approved for each teacher in the current academic year. Unused EPV days can be carried over to the next academic year.
December 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Introductory blurb: Discussion on what key points should be included in the introductory blurb which is read out at the beginning of all staff meetings. Important to focus on our ethos and core values in making decisions.
- School concerts: There is no winter concert this year. 6th class may work on a concert for later in the year, but this is yet to be finalised.
- First Aid training for staff: This will take place in Term 2 and will be an optional refresher for any staff who wish to attend. It will be 2 hours and take place via Zoom.
- Golden Book: Discussion on whether to limit the number of nominations each week, if it would make assembly easier for pupils to sit and listen. Trial of having 1 nomination for each class each week and will be reviewed.
- Restorative Practice (RP): Staff to continue to engage with RP training online. Whole-staff training to take place virtually on the 26th January.
- Random Acts of Kindness: Discussion on the idea of doing something like this among staff, to boost morale and support one another.
- Staff room pods: Discussion on whether staff would like to change their staffroom pods for Term 2. Decision taken to remain in the same pods, but perhaps to rotate in and out of the staff room.
- Covid-19 procedures: Reminder to keep up with all of the protocols in place. Staff to be vigilant and re-teach procedures in January on the return to school.
- Timetables: All staff timetables should be uploaded to the Shared Drive.
- Social committee: Email to be sent to staff with details of how the end of term can be celebrated as a group – sharing a cuppa outdoors together on the last day of term.
- ICT: ITM are now up-and-running as the school IT support system. Can be used for any IT issues.
- Cyber Safety programme: Discussion on whether to implement the use of a cyber safety programme each year. Suggestions of how to timetable this without dropping something else will be brought to the next meeting.
October 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Learn Together: reminder of the whole-school plan for teaching festivals.
- Themed fortnights: The themed events for this year, as voted by staff, will be: Creative Fortnight, Environmental Awareness Fortnight, Coicís na Gaeilge and Active Fortnight. Staff to work in teams to organise these, with the aim that any staff member(s) working from home might be free to work on it.
- Timetables: All staff to have their weekly timetable uploaded to the Drive after the mid-term break.
- Restorative Practice (RP) update: This year, teachers will have 7 hours of RP training to do and ANAs will have 5 hours. It is recommended that staff do the training in their year groups, to allow for discussion around each topic.
- ICT: New ICT support to commence soon - details will be sent to staff. Reminder to staff not to have passwords saved for access to laptops, school email or Aladdin. Staff should not have their school email account saved on their phone.
- Child Protection: Reminder to staff to be vigilant around the area of child protection and to follow the robust procedures in place in the school.
- Anti-bullying: Resource folder available on the Drive - reminder to speak to each class about bullying and to be vigilant in looking out for it.
- Emergency Evacuation procedures: No evacuation drill to date. Each class must practice a drill before the end of the month.
- Changing pods: Teachers may switch the pupil pods over the mid-term break.
- Distance Learning Plan: Plan is in place, if required. Teachers to have Day 1 activities and video ready to go.
June 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Weekly Overview for staff: Reminder to staff to check this every week.
- End Of Year Reports: These will be approved on Friday and will issue immediately via Aladdin.
- June To-Do List: This is tweaked from previous years. Reminder to staff of certain things which need to be done to leave each classroom ready for the next academic year.
- Preparing for the new academic year: Planning is ongoing for August/September, but no guidelines issued yet. Meetings will take place as soon as these are out. Staff invited to get involved in these meetings.
- Summer Provision: No guidelines issued yet, but we will do August Provision, if permitted.
- Teaching and Learning in Term 1: Priorities for Term 1 will be:
- trauma-informed, with a focus on nurture
- teaching Stay Safe from last year
- teaching the skills for distance learning
- reintegration and school routines
- revision and assessment
- Graduation: 6th class Graduation to take place on 24th June. Also featured in the Irish Times - well done to all involved!
- Budgets: Classrooms well-resourced, with lots of consumables not used this year, due to distance learning. No new resource packs will be given this September, but will be available in a central location instead.
- Playground budget: Non-touch items to be purchased, starting with yard painting on junior yard.
- Cuntaisí Míosúla: Teachers to ensure their plans are all up-to-date on the Drive before the summer break.
- Aladdin: Ensure Aladdin is up-to-date before the summer break.
- Class handovers: Teachers to arrange handover meetings via Google Meets.
March 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Scholastic Book Fair: Decision taken to run this in November 2020. 6th Class teachers next year will work together to facilitate roles for pupils to assist in running it.
- Review meetings: Review meetings for pupils with SSFs to take place in March. ANAs not required to attend these. Teachers to set goals and targets up to next October.
- Yard procedures: Review of the recent changes to yard procedures - all going well, so will continue.
- Staff room: Ideas to be collated to make staff room more welcoming, cosier and colourful. To be further discussed.
- Green School Committee: Committee met for the first time this week. The class reps will provide more details to each class, once they have a plan in place regarding litter and rubbish in the school.
- Covid-19: Unforseen circumstance for everyone worldwide. Information will be communicated to staff, as soon as it is received.
- Stay Safe: Compulsory SPHE programme which takes place in Term 3. This year, we need to show more evidence of teaching.
- Buddy reading: Idea to foster buddy reading across the school, particularly as the junior end pupils and senior end pupils no longer see one another on yard.
- Standardised testing: Standardised testing schedule now up on the Drive. Testing packs to the signed out by teachers in the month of May.
- Spring concert: Spring concert to take place on April 3rd, all going well.
- Contingency planning: Staff to work on contingency plans, in the case of school closures.
February 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Movement breaks: Outline of the specific areas which have been established for ANAs to support and provide breaks for pupils – calming tent is beside 5th and 6th classrooms, Active Learning space is outside 3rd class classrooms, other activities on the landing beside purple stairs.
- Yard: Decision taken to trial having the junior yard at the back of the school and the senior yard on the basketball courts, instead of swapping at each break. Reminder to all staff to close the gates to the soft play area after use and to close the gates at the front of the school during yard times.
- Critical Incident Folder: Staff discussion of the Critical Incident folder which has been created, outlining the roles of various staff members if there was a critical incident within the school community.
- iPads: iPad timetable is up and running, even though we are still without internet. Chromebooks will be available on a rota, with the trolley moving around wherever required.
- Literacy: Reminder to teachers of the reading comprehension strategies to be focused on this term and the writing genre to be taught.
- Budgets: Discussion on the remaining curricular budgets for the year and how they are to be spent. Area co-ordinators have their own budgets to spend (English, Irish, Maths, SPHE, Learn Together and the Arts). Other teachers volunteered to spend the curricular budgets which do not have a co-ordinator already (Science, History, Geography, P.E.)
- Parent-Teacher meetings: These are to take place on the 11th and 12th February. Scheduling to be done throughout the week and sent out via paper slips, due to lack of internet.
- Daily Mile: This will begin after mid-term break. Each class will participate 3-4 times per week, with pupils recording their achievements over time.
January 2020
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based. All decisions made are to be done so with these in mind.
- Thanks paid to staff on their work throughout the school move.
- Yard discussion: identifying difficulties and deciding new procedures regarding First Aid on yard, the use of the soft play area, how to manage entrance and exit doors, who takes ownership of the clipboards, designating lines for each class, discussing how to best manage indoor yard schedule.
- Discussion on some of the key items which need to be purchased from this year’s P.E. budget, including proper storage facilities for resources and padding for the outdoor basketball poles.
- Worry plaque will now be placed outside the main school office, for any pupils who would like to use it.
- Class teachers are to have a Green Schools representative for their class. 16 children will be nominated for this year to begin the journey to a Green Flag.
- Staff create a list of possibilities for Movement Breaks for pupils throughout the day, including where they can take place.
- Piano is to be moved from the library to the space outside the P.E. hall, so it is more accessible.
December 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Update on new school: no water meter or phone line in place yet. We will move without phone line, but will not be approved to move until water meter is in place. Staff will need training in the new building, before opening with pupils. If we are required to close before the winter break, staff will be in during the break to sort classrooms and go through training.
- Discussion of Educate Together guidelines issued, regarding Christmas. Reminder that we are a multi-denominational school and follow our whole-school plan of when to teach about the festivals and celebrations of world religions. Reminder of school motto “Our beliefs are different and that’s ok!” and to use this in class.
- Pupils to vote on a charity which the money from their Movie Day fundraiser will be donated to.
- Reminder of the school ‘Golden Rules’ from the Code of Behaviour. Each teacher given a poster of the rules to display in their classroom.
November 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Instruction provided by moving company regarding the upcoming school move: how to make the flat-pack boxes, how to label for each individual room, packing of school resources etc.
- Staff notified of changes to support teaching timetable and room rotas, to facilitate the packing of resources.
- Plans of new school will be sent around to all classrooms, so pupils can become familiar with what the building will look like and where their classroom will be located.
- Staff notified that broadband looks set to be difficult to get up and running in the new building – will be done as soon as possible, but to prepare for some time without internet.
- SPHE programmes with a focus on well-being will take place during the next 8-week learning block. This will be done through co-teaching, with two teachers working in the classroom for the duration of the lesson.
- Teachers reminded to create Learn Together lesson plans, as part of our school’s involvement in a digital cluster with other Educate Together schools.
- Pupils are to participate in school survey, in order for staff to gain an insight into what is working well and what we can seek to develop further.
October 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centered, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Staff discussed the school chromebooks and outlined the privileges which students earn as they progress through the school. Emphasis to be placed on teaching children to use Google Classroom appropriately, once it is set up.
- Personal Pupil Plans (PPPs) and School Support Files (SSFs) aim to be in place by November. SSF meetings to take place for pupils on Stage 2 or Stage 3 of support.
- School times may be required to change when we move to the new school campus, as the DES require 30 minutes between opening times. New school times are likely to be 8.25am – 1.05pm for Infant classes and 8.25am – 2.05 for children from 1st – 6th class.
- Staff members who are working on a themed week or event (e.g. Active Week, Spring Concert) are to notify Caitríona of the proposed date(s) as soon as possible.
- Reminder of some of the non-negotiable rules of the school, so that all staff are on the same page: no electronic devices, no watches with recording or camera function, no toys unless they are kept in schoolbags, hoods down and hats off when inside, stop and listen on whistle or bell.
- A reminder that class lines should be silent when moving around the school.
- Demonstration of the new school ipads and some of the features and apps which are useful for classes.
- Teachers can apply to the Mobile Library for boxes of books, which will be delivered to the school for a month.
- Nomination of a teacher to the Board of Management for the new four-year term.
September 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Mobile library returning once per month. 1st and 2nd class to visit the library, other classes to avail of boxes of books.
- Plans and documents for children with Additional Needs to be worked on over the coming month.
- Confirmation of registration of our school in the Green Schools Flag process. A committee of staff, parents/community members and students to be established over the coming months.
- Staff to work on the establishment of a school song for each of the core values celebrated each month.
- Reminder to staff about nominating children for the Golden Book each week.
- Discussion on the Strategic Plan which has been developed for the school for the next 2 years.
- Decision made on the 'teams' to be established to work on various projects over the coming academic year:
- Move to new school Team
- Green Flag Team
- Anti-Discrimination Team
- Grand Opening & AGM Preparation Team
- Sports Day/Active Week Team
- School Concert Team
- New staff social committee appointed for the coming year.
- 'All You Need is Love' will be the next school song to be learned across all class levels.
- Reminder to all members of staff that the school is now a completely 'nut-free' zone.
- Reminder to teachers that Cuntaisí Míosúla are due on the first Friday of every month.
- Reminder that whole-school reading and writing plans are on the shared staff Google Drive.
- Agreement on the use of the additional 32 Croke Park hours for this year.
April 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Discussion on the best way to share the knowledge and expertise of staff with other staff members. Small group discussion on ideas for how to do this in coming years. Staff agree that the practice of sharing ideas and resources with each other is very valuable.
- Staff-led training day on the new Language Curriculum to take place on May 23rd.
- Discussion on the re-structuring of Caitríona’s annual review with staff.
- School clean up: staff spent some time cleaning general areas, school displays, resource room, P.E. store room and school library.
- New English readers to be purchased for the senior end of the school (3rd - 6th classes).
- School Tours: Staff encouraged to book school tours as early as possible. School Tour policy shared with staff.
March 2019
- Reminder of our school ethos for our decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Parent presentation on Secondary School campaign: parents campaigning for new Educate Together Secondary School in the area explained the patronage vote and a timeline of events.
- Reminder that pupils on Stage 3 support in our school are to have support meetings every October.
- Swimming to run from 8th April to the 21st June this year for children from 1st - 4th classes. Lessons are mandatory for all as Aquatics is a strand on the P.E. curriculum.
- Discussion of school resources budget for academic year 2019/20.
- Home Learning Enrichment Programme will commence over the coming weeks. This year, it will finish with an exhibition of the completed projects, to showcase the pupils’ work.
- School Self Evaluation focuses on handwriting and presentation of work. Surveys to be sent to pupils, parents & staff members in the coming weeks.
- Booklists for next school year are to be ratified by the Board of Management at their next meeting. Staff to check over booklists to ensure they are correct.
February 2019
- Reminder of school ethos for decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Deadline for applications for SNA access for September is March 8th.
- Whole-staff discussion on developing an empowering slogan/catchphrase to use when children have differing beliefs/faith on a certain topic. A small group of staff will bring suggestions to the next staff meeting.
- Discussion of the options for the school calendar for the year 2019/20. Three options provided to staff to vote on, with one to be presented to the Board of Management for ratification.
- Reminder to all teachers that the RSE programme is to be taught from the 25th February to the 25th of March, in all mainstream classrooms. Caitríona is available to teach lessons to some classes. Stay Safe Programme will take place in April.
- Discussion of the procedures around the upcoming Parent-Teacher meetings.
- Review of Posts of Responsibility in the school. Areas of responsibility are to be reviewed and reassigned over the coming months. When the soon-to-be-vacant AP1 post has been filled, the responsibilities will be re-allocated.
January 2019
- Reminder of our school ethos for our decision making: our school is child-centred, co-educational, democratically-run and equality-based.
- Whole-staff discussion on developing an empowering slogan/catchphrase to use when children have differing beliefs/faith on a certain topic. A small group of staff will bring suggestions to the next staff meeting.
- Discussion of the options for the school calendar for the year 2019/20. Three options provided to staff to vote on, with one to be presented to the Board of Management for ratification.
- Reminder to all teachers the RSE lessons are to be taught from the 25th February to the 25th of March, in all classrooms. Caitríona is available to teach lessons to some classes. Stay Safe Programme will take place in April.
- Discussion of the procedures around the upcoming Parent-Teacher meetings.
- Review of Posts of Responsibility in the school. Areas of responsibility are to be reviewed and reassigned over the coming months. When the soon-to-be-vacant AP1 post has been filled, the responsibilities will be allocated.
December 2018
- New system in place for the handling of red cards in the school.
- Reminder to staff that immediate child protection issues should always be brought to attention straight away.
- New parking permits being issued to staff members for current school year.
- Outline of upcoming Information Evening for Prospective Parents - to take place in January
- Medical emergency procedures: all staff notified of children who have medical issues, and who may need immediate assistance eg. allergies. Folder with relevant information for staff to be kept in school office and in staff room.
- Reminder to staff to continue to set high expectations for behaviour in the school corridors and at school assembly.
- Feedback given from teachers on the ‘Weaving Wellbeing’ programme, which was implemented from 2nd class upwards this year. Teachers agree it may have taken place too early in the school year, and it may be more beneficial slightly later in future.
- Reminder that our school is a participant in a Digital Cluster and need to submit some ideas of Learn Together lesson plans.
- Demonstration provided on how to transfer files from Microsoft to new school system of G Suite. The aim is to have all of these files transferred by the end of the current school year.
October 2018
- Move to G-suite for internal communications for our school will take place this month. This will allow further progression on our digital learning plan.
- Training for staff on G-suite will take place in November.
- Wellness Day for staff coming up later this month, including a wellness workshop off-site, taking place one afternoon after school.
- Examination of the defibrillator and reminders for how to use it - the defibrillator is stored in the corridor outside the PE Hall.
- Further developing of our digital learning plan
- Review of the teaching and learning of English, Irish and Maths at our school, identifying areas for further development
- Sharing of resources for the teaching of fundamental movement skills
- Ciara O'Donoghue, part-time support teacher, starts this week and will work with all mainstream classes over the course of the year
- DES guidelines for teachers' planning and assessment shared
- Focus for children - children are encouraged to use full sentences and to be able to say what they are learning, including during eating times
- Guidelines for recording responses to GDPR permission forms coming in this week
- GAA coaching for children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes will soon begin during lunch breaks; all teachers will provide extra yard supervision in order to release the teachers who will provide this coaching
- Children are not permitted to use personal devices during the school day; children may have devices in their school bag for use before or after school - these devices must be switched off at all times and the school does not accept any responsibility for damage or loss that may occur.
September 2018
- Roles for staff meetings clarified and volunteers sought: Chairperson, Secretary, Time-Keeper, Covering Office for initial few minutes
- Acting Assistant Principal Grade II appointed and areas of responsibility shared with staff - this completes our In-School Coordinating team of 6, which includes Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal Grade I, two Assistant Principal Grade II and one Acting Assistant Principal Grade II post.
- With new books already delivered and more coming for class libraries, teachers will now remove from class libraries books that are sub-optimal for whatever reason.
- While we appreciated gifts of second-hand books in the early years of the school and those donations were invaluable to us, we can now be quite targeted in the types of books we include in class libraries and will no longer be accepting donations. Class libraries include books in Irish and English, books of different genres and books relating to various areas of the curriculum. Books are graded across class levels.
- Student Support meetings will be held in October.
- School values focused on each month will remain the same as last year:
- September – Kindness
- October - Safety
- November - Caring
- December – Respect
- January - Happiness
- February - Love
- March - Cooperation
- April - Responsibility
- May - Peace
- June - Honesty
- September – Kindness
- Reach for the Stars by S Club 7 will be the school song for this year - 2 verses with a chorus after each
- Staff social committee was appointed
- Procedures regarding applications for leave of absence was clarified
- Reminder that it is no-one's business why a staff member is not in school; these are for approval by Caitriona and the Board of Management only
- Planning our submissions to the Learn Together shared lesson plan database as part of our new digital cluster project
- Reminder of procedure in relation to submitting planning and teaching records to the school principal
- Distribution of Building Bridges of Understanding resources, along with guidelines for how to use it
- Planning template in relation to the new language curriculum made available to all teachers
- Planning for logistics in relation to the mobile library
- Planning for the purchasing of further teaching resources
- Further sports training opportunities considered
- Each classroom to have a timeline on display
- Teachers decided to engage in Droichead as an induction programme for newly-qualified teachers
August 2018
- Staff discussed the ethos of the school, reviewing the four principles that are core to our Educate Together ethos: child-centred, co-educational, equality-based and democratically run.
- Staff members discussed Child Protection, reviewing the Child Protection procedures in our school. New staff members are required to complete the webinar on Child Protection by the end of September.
- We discussed Anti-Bullying procedures, including preventative measures and how to respond to an allegation or suspicion of bullying.
- Emergency evacuation procedures were reviewed.
- General health and safety reminders were issues.
- Reminder about positive communication, restorative practice and following the Code of Behaviour
- Reminder that class bins are for recycling waste only and that children bring home all waste from their lunches
- Renewed focus on supporting children to take pride in their working environment and leaving a presentable classroom at the end of each day
- Planning the logistics for parent classroom visits
- Planning the logistics for parent information evening
- Planning the logistics for daily arrival and dismissal of all children in a safe and orderly manner
- Planning the use of Croke Park hours for teachers and additional hours for ANAs for this school year
- Planning the logistics of yard supervision including
- clarification of roles during these times
- supervision on days we don't go out to yard e.g. due to weather
- Playworx, skipping zone, quiet area, senior yard and integration of Junior Infants over time
- clarification of roles during these times
- Planning the logistics of ensuring supervision and instruction on days when a teacher is absent and either a substitute teacher is not provided by the Department of Education or one cannot be found due to the teacher shortage crisis
- Whole-school curricular planning - teachers reminded to follow the whole-school plans when planning and teaching
- Planning for the creation and changing of displays in general school areas
- Planning themed weeks and other events for the school year - each teacher assigned to one event for planning and organising
- One Day Together food fair in October
- Scholastic Book Fair in November
- Winter concert in December
- STEM Week in January
- Seachtain na Gaeilge in March
- Autism Awareness Week in April
- Active Schools Week, Sports Day and 6th Class Graduation in June
- Buddy system in place for new staff members and for new children to classes other than Junior Infants
- New mentors sought for the Mentoring Programme for teachers in their first year of teaching
- Staff member nominated to work with the Strategy Planning Committee for the Board of Management
- Staff handbook made accessible to all
- Review of teaching and learning resources budget left to be spent for this school year - while most items were ordered before the summer, a portion of the budget was held back for spending during the year
- Union representatives appointed