Arrival time for our school is 8.30 to 8.40am. Please aim to arrive during this time-slot. Children arriving between 8.30 and 8.40am should come through the main door of the school.
All children who arrive before 8.30am will now go to the school yard and line up there. This is to make it easier for parents with more than one child in the school to supervise their children.
Children who have been lining up at the main door of the school will be lining up against the back fence of the yard, as they do at the end of each yard. The children should know their lines well at this stage.
Neither school staff nor Board of Management can take responsibility for children before the teachers collect their line at 8.30am. It is your responsibility to provide supervision for your child up to that point.
Children arriving after 8.40am should be escorted into the school via the main door and signed in.
New collection points from tomorrow, Thursday 12th October
In the afternoons, 3rd class will exit via the yard, along with children in 1st class. This is to alleviate congestion at the front door.
Tadhg's 2nd class and Aisling's 4th class will exit via the front door of the school.
Bobby's 2nd class and Aoife's 5th class will exit via the door of the GP Hall.
Please stand back from the door as much as possible, particularly if your child is in 3rd, 4th or 5th class, so that children in 1st and 2nd class can more easily identify the person collecting them.
Rainy mornings
While we do have a foyer where families can wait if they arrive before 8.30am, it would be kindest to allow that space to be used by those who have to travel a long distance or take public transport to get to school and so can't time their arrival quite so precisely. If you drive to school, wait in your car until 8.30am. If you walk to school, aim to arrive between 8.30 and 8.40am.
Teachers have meetings and preparation work to do before school and we cannot open the school further than this, even on wet mornings.
Table Quiz
We are very excited about the Table Quiz, taking place next Friday evening, 20th October. The Parents Association are hosting this fundraiser to raise funds to develop our school garden. We would like to focus on the garden this year and hope to develop a Bug Hotel and Greenhouse in our little patch of grass, possibly with a view to taking on an allotment for the school if it takes off. Children will see food from seed stage right through seedling, onto plant and fruit and, crucially, into the kitchen and onto their plates! They will see the vital place that bugs and animals have in maintaining balance on our earth. We have parents and teachers developing this project for the children and we really look forward to bringing it to life. We need funds to purchase the greenhouse, tools, allotment space and seeds. We expect to need approximately 1,500 euro in total to get us set up. Your support would be much appreciated.
Volunteer parents are selling tickets for the quiz in the school foyer every afternoon. They are also selling raffle tickets - you don't have to be going to the quiz to take part in the raffle! So, if you can't make it on the night, you can still do your bit by buying raffle tickets!
In case you would like to go to the quiz but don't have a full team, we have a sign-up sheet in the office. Just reply to this email if you would like us to find a team for you and we will match you up. What a great way to get to know people too!
Thanks for your support for this event. The Parents Association put so much work into organising it, it is great to see it pay off on the night and to see the adults of our community having a great night out together!
Have a great week.