Please see email below from our Patron, Educate Together. Educate Together is a national organisation. We are a national community. It is important that we give feedback to Head Office so that they can better represent us and support us as parents of children attending an Educate Together school. Please take the time to complete this survey.
Dear Parent / Guardian,
Educate Together would love to hear from you!
The Educate Together national office is reviewing the organisation's communication materials and needs your help. To ensure that our message accurately reflects what is happening in the network of schools, we are asking parents, together with their child/children, for feedback. Your feedback is valued and will be used to strengthen Educate Together going forward. The online survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will conclude next week, so thank you in advance for your participation!
You can access the survey here: (link given in email)
Many thanks,
The Educate Together National Office