Dear parents and guardians,
We are thrilled to be taking part in EU Code week next week. Two volunteers from SAP (a local company, based in Dublin 24), including a parent from our school, will visit the school on Monday and talk with the children in 2nd and 3rd classes about code and programming. They will be some of the 1 million children across 40 countries engaging in this and we are thrilled to be a part of it.
Marina and Mohan, the volunteers, would like to take photographs of the children during the session. These photos would be used on internal SAP blogs for EU Code Week and volunteering. They may also be used on social media surrounding EU code week, such as Facebook or Twitter. Please complete the form below or the form on our website to let us know whether we have permission to allow them to do that. We will allow Marina and Mohan to take photos of only the children for whom we have permission.
Kind regards,
Caitriona, Principal
Mary and Ciara, Class teachers
Aoife, IT coordinator