(To read this letter in another language, see the ‘Notes Home’ page on our website.)
This month, as a part of our learning in Geography, we have been talking about places where we play in our neighbourhood. We have talked a lot about playgrounds and the types of equipment we play on at the playground. We are currently working on creating a model of a playground as a part of our construction studies in Visual Arts.
Now I would like to visit a playground with the children. Luckily, there is one relatively close to the school - right behind Citywest Shopping Centre. A trip to the playground will provide plenty of additional learning, as we discuss and put into practice how to behave when crossing roads and in public places, as well as having the opportunity to ride on the Luas. This will then provide us with an authentic experience and photographs as a basis for discussion and writing later.
We will take the Luas and then walk across to the playground. We will play at the playground for about twenty minutes before returning to the school.
In order for this trip to be safe and successful, we need your help. We need a couple of parent volunteers to accompany the group. If you are available to help out between 10.45 and 12.15 on the day, please complete the slip below.
A child’s return ticket for the Luas costs €1.70. If you could send this money to school, by Wednesday 17th, in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front, this will make the collection easier for me.
Thanking you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,