Firstly, congratulations to all our Junior Infant children who have just completed their first week in school! We are so proud of how the children have settled and we are excited about the year ahead.
This email has some reminders for you for the coming weeks:
Junior Infant School Day
Junior Infant children will be starting school at 8:30 am and will finish at 1:10 pm. Class teachers will meet the children in the yard as practised this week. At 1:10 pm, children will collected at the classroom door as usual.
Busy Campus
As school starts for all classes at 8:30 am, the school campus will be much busier. You may wish to speak to your child about this in order to prepare them for the change. Please allow time to settle your child in the line while you wait for the class teacher to meet the class.
The children will be eating twice a day from now on. Please bear this in mind when you are giving your child lunch. The children do not dispose of waste in school, they will bring it home. As the children will be doing lots of activities, it is important that they bring a drink every day. It is a good idea to have a bottle with a lid so they can drink frequently throughout the day.
Please remember that we are a nut-free school, so please do not send nuts for lunch. This includes items that contain nuts for example chocolate bars, biscuits, etc. We do hope that every family will realise the life-threatening nature of such an allergy and will respect this request. Please remind your child that sharing food is not allowed in school.
We will be going to yard twice a day weather permitting. Please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing. Your child needs to be able to put on, take off and zip his/her coat independently. Please practise this at home. Also, please make sure to label coats, hats, scarves, etc.
We look forward to seeing you at 8:30 am on Monday morning at the yard line. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you,
Ruth and Laura