How to Survive Summer 2020!
We are giving you three types of suggestions for the summer break:
1. Maintain a routine and look after your well-being
Look over our Well-being Fortnight page for ideas here. The routine will be more casual than the one you use during term time but maintaining some sort of a routine helps everyone to feel safe.
2. Get ready for coming back to school
Coming back to school this year may be a little harder than in other years.
See the first slideshow below for ways you can set your child up for success in the new school year.
3. Have fun
The summer is a time to have lots of fun. We are sure you have your own ideas for this. In case you are looking for more, we have put together some ideas for you. See the second slideshow below for ideas.
Please scroll further down to read guidance from the Department of Education on reopening schools. Thanks.
1. Maintain a routine and look after your well-being
Look over our Well-being Fortnight page for ideas here. The routine will be more casual than the one you use during term time but maintaining some sort of a routine helps everyone to feel safe.
2. Get ready for coming back to school
Coming back to school this year may be a little harder than in other years.
See the first slideshow below for ways you can set your child up for success in the new school year.
3. Have fun
The summer is a time to have lots of fun. We are sure you have your own ideas for this. In case you are looking for more, we have put together some ideas for you. See the second slideshow below for ideas.
Please scroll further down to read guidance from the Department of Education on reopening schools. Thanks.
Guidance from Department of Education
The Department of Education (DES) issued interim recommendations for reopening schools from the Health Prevention Surveillance Centre on 1st July 2020. In that document, there are sections of guidance for parents and for students. We have copied the relevant sections below and we encourage you to read them and to heed the advice. We were pleased to read that the recommendations are in line with the preparations we have made already. We look forward to getting more specific guidance from DES so that we can finalise our plans.