We are delighted to host an annual Cake Sale on Friday 17th of November! Cakes and treats in any shape or form are always gratefully accepted. Please don’t feel under pressure if baking is not your thing. There are other ways to contribute - please contact us if you wish to help out on the day.
All funds raised from this event will go towards creating a garden for our school.
On the day:
● Cakes and treats will be accepted from 8.30am by Parents’ Association members at PE Hall (entrance via car park) or the Drop-Off volunteers in the car park.
● Parents can visit the cake sale in the main entrance hall when collecting their child(ren) from school. If you won't be at the school and would like to send money with your child for him/her to buy treats for him/herself, please put the money in an envelope in their school bag. Teachers will not be able to mind money for children during the day.
Please remember to label any plates or containers so we can return them to you. As always we are extremely grateful for your support!
Kind regards,
Citywest ETNS Parents’ Association
[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/393679434107255/ http://www.citywestetns.ie/parents-association.html