Children in Junior Infants will be vaccinated by the HSE in school, on Thursday 28th of May, according to the forms returned earlier in the term. There is no need for parents to attend. However, if you have a particular wish to attend, you will be accommodated. Vaccinations start at 9.00am. Please ensure your child wears short sleeves under their jumper/cardigan on this day to ease administration. Please note that we will call any parent whose child remains upset after their vaccinations.
Not everybody was relaxing over the holidays! Eldon and John, our caretaker, were very busy in the grassy patch beside our yard and they have built us some lovely raised beds to plant flowers and vegetables in.
Just in time to plant some of the Spring seedlings some of the classes have been nurturing indoors, while learning about Spring. Earlier this week, Eldon's Senior Infants were out in the sunshine planting their seedlings. We look forward to watching these plants grow. Check out the pictures on their class website! The Student Council has been really busy in the past month or so. They've been having regular meetings and have even been around to talk to the children in all of the classes. Most recently, they visited the classes to tell us all about the new bin on the yard. We all agree that it is really important not to litter anywhere, especially at school. We want the school to look great, and we are also aware that litter can be really bad for birds and other wild animals. We're looking forward to hearing about the Student Council's next project!
Monday 11th - Friday 15th May is National Walk to School Week. Get involved by walking to school. Buddy up with neighbours and design a "Walking Bus" - one parent is the driver at the front, another is the conductor at the back and the children walk in pairs in between!
The Walking Bus - great fun, great friends and great physical activity! We are happy to witness passport applications. Applications can be witnessed by appointment only. Please contact Nicola in the office to arrange an appointment. Passports cannot be witnessed during the month of June.
The school will be closed on Friday the 22nd of May 2015.
This is due to the school being used as a polling station for the Referendums on this day. School will re-open as normal on Monday the 25th of May. Two weeks ago, we took delivery of a large order of books. These books were the school's reward following the massive success of our Scholastic Book Fair back in November! You might remember that we told you that every book sold would help to get free books for our school. Well we have reaped the rewards, and now each classroom has been able to add a new collection of books to their classroom libraries. And we've managed to get a school set of dictionaries too! So THANK YOU CHILDREN, THANK YOU PARENTS, thanks to everybody who helped to make the Scholastic Book Fair such a roaring success! Below: Some of the classes enjoying their new books. |
December 2024