Parents and guardians have been sent a timetable for the move, which is as follows:
- Monday 9th: Children attend school for a half day, finishing at 11.15am. Moving company will begin moving rooms across to new building.
- Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th: School closed for all pupils. Moving company continue to move rooms, with staff organising classrooms and ensuring health and safety procedures are in place for all.
- Thursday 11th: The day we have all been waiting for - the first school day in our new building! Families will be welcome to visit the school at collection time on this day (details to follow).
As with all building projects, there may be unforeseen delays and these dates may change, but we are very hopeful that this will be our timeline for moving.
This is such an exciting time for our school community. We will need to work together to make this an enjoyable experience for all. Stay tuned for more updates!