Yesterday, we received an update from the Department of Education that we will not be moving into our new school before the 9th of December. We are still awaiting a definite moving date, but we know that it will not be before the 9th. When we do get the keys, the school will be closed for 2 days to facilitate the move.
School move preparation
While we wait for the school to be ready for us, we are doing lots of preparatory work:
- Staff met with the moving company, who delivered 920 boxes to our school. Packing and sorting of school resources begins this week.
- Parents met to discuss a plan for traffic management on our new campus.
- Pupils are being given the opportunity to learn about the new school building, with the school floor plans being passed around to all classes.
- Our Board of Management are in ongoing discussions with the Department of Education and our neighbouring school CSCNS to ensure a smooth transition to our new building.
- These photos of the school give us a very exciting glimpse of what awaits us!
Value of the month - Caring
This month, we are focused on the value of caring. This enables us to open the discussion on how we can care for one another, care for ourselves, care for our school and home, care for the environment... and so much more! The Golden Book on Friday was full of wonderful examples of children being caring.
Learn Together - Belief Systems
As part of our Ethical Education curriculum, pupils are given the opportunity to visit various places of worship to learn about some of the major world religions. During a child's time in our school, it is hoped that they will visit a place of worship to learn about Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Christianity, Hinduism, along with welcoming guest speakers to learn about Humanism and Atheism.
This month, it was the turn of our 2nd Class pupils. Last Thursday they visited a Hindu Temple to learn more about Hinduism.
Sport in the school
There is lots of sport going on in our school during the month of November:
- GAA training for 5th and 6th classes takes place 4 times per week.
- Basketball training for 4th classes takes place twice a week.
- Our local GAA coach has returned for another year. He is currently teaching hurling to our 1st class pupils.
- Tag rugby with coach Joey from Leinster Rugby commences on Monday for children in 4th and 5th classes.
- Our Fundamental Movement Skill for November is running, which we learn about at assembly each week.
Weaving Wellbeing
Co-teaching commences on Monday - it is where two teachers teach a lesson together. The focus for this learning block is on wellbeing.
Children from 2nd - 6th classes, they will be participating in a programme called 'Weaving Wellbeing', which was rolled out last year to great success.
Children in Senior Infants will be participating in a similar programme called 'Fun Friends', while children in 1st class participate in 'Zippy's Friends'.
Each of these programmes focus on social and emotional learning, aim to help to reduce anxiety, increase coping skills, encourage children to recognise and label various emotions and how to deal with them.