If you can't make it along to the seminar in our school on Monday 10th, don't worry - Joseph will be delivering a seminar in Dublin West Education Centre on the evening of Wednesday 12th October from 7 to 9pm on the topic of Parenting Children for Success at School - please see flyer below. Seminar for Parents at Citywest ETNS Monday 10th October 11am to 1pm Free of Charge At 11am on Monday 10th October, Joseph Driessen, BSc, TTC, MEdAdmin (Massey University) will deliver a seminar for parents at our school. Joseph Driessen is the director of Education Answers, an International Educational Consultancy based in New Zealand, specialising in the professional development of teachers and parents. Joseph focuses his research on international best teaching and parenting practices, and is much in demand as a speaker, facilitator and education consultant. We have been chosen by Dublin West Education Centre to be gifted this seminar and we really hope to see lots of parents avail of this opportunity. The seminar will start with a talk by Joseph and conclude with a question and answer session so parents can have their concerns and questions addressed. We can choose the focus for the seminar and I am interested in your preferences for this. Please see the choices below submit your preference before 12pm on Tuesday 4th October. The topic with the most nominations will be chosen. · Leadership skills which promote learning · Parent-child relationships as the key to learning success · Mothers’ and Fathers’ different approaches to leadership · The importance of nurturing and of setting boundaries · Why many boys and girls need a structured household · How to activate motivation by goal setting · Supporting your child to become an independent learner · Understanding key differences between boys and girls · Coaching rather than correcting · Setting boundaries without stress · Things to do to support your child at school Whatever topic is chosen, I hope that this seminar will be interesting and useful and I look forward to seeing lots of you there. Kind regards, Caitriona Hand, Principal. Jacob Miller is currently running a course for parents at Trinity College, Dublin, entitled - "Learn to teach your children chess" Why should my child learn chess? Chess develops critical thinking, life skills and learning discipline. The following articles emphasizes the many benefits of chess. Why kids should learn to play chess Playing Smart - The Benefits of Chess for Kids Why should I learn chess? Apart from all the reasons listed above, you will be able to teach your children chess!! That's wonderful. While there are chess programs in many Dublin schools, it can be difficult for children to learn a game like chess in a group setting. Nothing compares to 1 on 1 teaching, especially between child and parent. Finally, its an opportunity for you! A chance to get out of the house, to socialize, to meet new people and to learn something new! You might find you fall in love with the game like so many others. Why is this a great course for me?
If you are interested or have any questions please email me at [email protected]. Best wishes, Jacob Miller Please come to our school this Thursday evening to listen to your child's teacher speak about his/her class and to meet other parents and staff members.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about your child's school, class and teacher. Adults only. No children will be permitted into the school on Thursday evening. Junior Infant teachers will give a presentation at 7pm. Parents and guardians are welcome to sample refreshments in the reception hall afterwards. Senior Infant and Fourth Class teachers will give a presentation at 7.20pm. Parents and guardians are welcome to sample refreshments in the reception hall beforehand and/or afterwards. Second and Third Class teachers will give a presentation at 7.40pm. Parents and guardians are welcome to sample refreshments in the reception hall beforehand and/or afterwards. First Class teachers will give a presentation at 8.00pm. Parents and guardians are welcome to sample refreshments in the reception hall beforehand. We look forward to seeing you! Please walk. If you must drive, please obey our car park rules. Every year around this time, we remind you that our enrolment policy is strictly first-come-first-served. Children who have a brother or sister already in the school are NOT prioritised for enrolment. If you have a baby, toddler or pre-schooler who is not already pre-enroled for our school, please complete a pre-enrolment form immediately.
We have pre-enrolments all the way to 2021 already and we are reaching the point for Junior Infants 2017 at which the cut-off was made last year. We did manage to accommodate every child holding out for a mainstream place in our school this year, though it took until this week to get to the end of some of the waiting lists. If you are not sure whether you have completed a pre-enrolment form already, feel free to complete another one. If we get multiple applications in relation to the same child, we will use the date of the first application in determining the order of our list. thus ensuring the child is higher up the pre-enrolment list. Please note that children already in the school are entitled to that school place as long as they continue to attend school. There is no need to complete an application for children already in the school. All the best, Caitriona Hand, Principal, and Jenna Boland, Enrolment Officer. The school will be closed to children on the following dates, due to professional development training for our teachers:
Our teachers and SNAs are beginning to plan some great themed weeks for the year ahead. So far, we are thinking of the following:
We know that some parents had great ideas for developing and improving some of the events we have held previously and would like to help out in organising and running them. Please let us know if you have ideas to suggest and assistance to offer. We would love to work together on these projects. There will, of course, be other events and activities taking place, such as our clothes collections, the first of which is planned for November, and our calendar, which goes on sale in December. As well as developing our Caring School approach this year, we would love to develop a Healthy Living focus. We already have a few projects started, such as Playworx in the yard, where our 4th class pupils organise games for the children to play. Also, our Student Council are leading the children of the school in joining forces with the parents to campaign for a Citywest Educate Together Second Level School, which is badly needed in the area in the next three years. Here's to a great school year! As the old Irish proverb goes, as scath a cheile a mhaireann na ndaoine - together, we can achieve great things! ![]() As you may know, last year we made great strides in the development of our teaching and learning about belief systems and other cultures. We began to explore a thematic approach to our learning about world faiths and also established a programme that allows every class in the school to visit a place of worship, or speak with a leader of a particular belief system each year. This year, we are looking to broaden our engagement with belief systems, and international cultures more generally. Food is a central part of many celebrations, and we would love to use this as another window into world cultures. If you have a dish that you cook in celebration of a particular festival, or at a particular time of year, maybe you could come in and share it with a class? We are looking for cooks who could either
Please complete the form below if you think you could get involved in this new initiative. ![]() We would like to put together a display that communicates the importance of family in our school, and the sense of family that we all feel here. We would LOVE to have a picture of your family to add to this display! If you have a standard sized photo of your family, that you would like to contribute to this display, please leave it with Nicola in the office. Please note that we will not be able to return this photo to you. While our junior classes are full for this school year, we do have some places remaining in our higher classes - 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes. Pre-enrol online or call into the school office for more information.
December 2024