- Healthy Living Week in October
- Book Week, combined with Mother Language Week, in November, while Scholastic Book Fair visits the school
- Winter Concert in December
- STEM Week in January
- Friendship Week in February
- Seachtain na Gaeilge in March
- Autism Awareness Week in April
- Family Fun Day in May
- Active Schools Week and Sports Day in June
We know that some parents had great ideas for developing and improving some of the events we have held previously and would like to help out in organising and running them. Please let us know if you have ideas to suggest and assistance to offer. We would love to work together on these projects.
There will, of course, be other events and activities taking place, such as our clothes collections, the first of which is planned for November, and our calendar, which goes on sale in December.
As well as developing our Caring School approach this year, we would love to develop a Healthy Living focus. We already have a few projects started, such as Playworx in the yard, where our 4th class pupils organise games for the children to play.
Also, our Student Council are leading the children of the school in joining forces with the parents to campaign for a Citywest Educate Together Second Level School, which is badly needed in the area in the next three years.
Here's to a great school year! As the old Irish proverb goes, as scath a cheile a mhaireann na ndaoine - together, we can achieve great things!