We are seeking volunteers from our community to help out for a block of six weeks, leading Maths games at stations in classes from Junior Infants up to Fourth Class. At these weekly Maths Games sessions, children will move from table to table, playing age-appropriate games that are tailored to help them improve their mathematical skills. Each parent will lead the playing of one simple game, while the children rotate from game to game.
Maths Games will take place 9.00-9.45 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Parents are invited to pop to the staff room after dropping their children to school to have a cuppa and a chat while the kids settle into their morning routine. Parents will then bring the games and resources to the classroom and let the games commence!
Ideally, we would love to find volunteers that could do BOTH Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but if you can only do one, please do fill in the form and we'll be back in touch.
All volunteers will be Garda Vetted by our patron, Educate Together and a brief training session will be provided in advance for all volunteers.
We are hoping to schedule the games as follows:
November-December: 1st/2nd Classes
January-February: 3rd/4th Classes
March-April: Junior Infants/ Senior Infants.
Please leave your details on this form if you think you can help.