We are looking for a parent volunteer to assist with the book fair tomorrow morning from 8:15-9:00am. If you're free please contact Nicola in the office at 01 4035906. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Every year, we publish a calendar, including lots of lovely photos of our children. We are currently putting the finishing touches to the 2016 calendar and hope to have it on sale from 14th December. They make a wonderful gift for friends and family and look great in any kitchen or living room! Watch this space for more details!
When: Thursday 3rd of December
Where: The school meeting room Time: 1.15pm - 3.45pm Dear Parents/Guardians, You and your child are invited along for a fun afternoon of making Christmas decorations which will then be put up around our school! This is a wonderful opportunity to get creative with your children together with other parents and children in our school community. All decoration ideas are welcome, just bring along any materials needed. We do have a plan to make simple stuff like garlands and Christmas tree decorations along with other exciting projects with the help of some very artistic parents in our community! Please bring along any items you may have at home such as:
Kind regards, Citywest ETNS Parents’ Association [email protected] Our winter celebrations will take place during the week of 14th December:
While most of these events are just for the children, the concert on 18th December is for parents too! So save the date! We will be publishing more details about all of these events closer to the time. In the meantime, we loved our multi-lingual concert so much last year that we have decided to do the same for our concert this year. And so we would like to invite parents to come into the school to teach one class of children a song in your own language. Watch last year's concert for inspiration! If you would like to volunteer, please complete the form below before Wednesday 2nd December. We will be in touch to assign one of our classes to you at the end of next week. We are very excited to hear all the lovely songs! On Monday and Tuesday, we will be busy at our school:
30th November - Anti-bullying workshops for 2nd and 3rd classes Following a most successful trip to Red Rua to see Aunty Ben this week, the writer of the play and some of the actors will visit us to do some anti-bullying workshops with us. The message of the play was very clear - Be Yourself! We look forward to exploring this further in the workshops. 1st December - our second Gardening Day Our first gardening day was rained off unfortunately. The children who did not get to garden last week will get an opportunity to do so this week. Volunteers and helpers welcome as always - just turn up on the morning! ![]() Today, 2nd and 3rd classes, along with their teachers, Deirdre, Caitriona and four parents went on a great adventure! We took two LUAS trams to Tallaght to visit Red Rua, where we had some dress-up fun in the foyer before going in to watch the show Aunty Ben and then taking two LUAS trams back to school again. It was a great day out. Watch this space for some fun photos of our visit. In the meantime, here are some photos from the show: We are now getting ready to enrol students for starting with us in September 2016. If you have already pre-enroled your child with us for September 2016, you should have received an email about this today. If you did not receive that email, please contact us immediately so we can correct the contact details we have for you.
If you would like to pre-enrol your child for our school and have not yet done so, please go to our pre-enrolment page and complete the form there. Our enrolment policy is strictly first-come-first-served. We do not have a sibling policy. This means that siblings of current pupils are not given priority in the enrolment process. For further information and updates, please check our dedicated page for Intake 2016. If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments, please contact us. We will be hosting an Open Evening for prospective parents on 20th January at 7pm in our school. Keep the date in your diary! Wa-a-a-a-a-aaaay back in June 2014, when our current First Class were only in JUNIOR INFANTS, we were excited to welcome a camera crew and Emma from RTÉjr to video the children singing some nursery rhymes. Of course we were very excited to see ourselves on television, and our day has finally come! Lyndsey and Elyssa spotted the Junior Infants yesterday and shared this link with us. It seems our performances may be broadcast as part of the programme, Twigín. Keep watching out for more of the rhymes we sang! -Skip to 7 minutes to see if you can recognise your friends!
Today our joint initiative with our neighbour-school, Scoil Níamh, went ahead despite the weather being less than cooperative! In the end, teacher Deirdre and gardening expert Michael had to make the decision to stop the work as the weather just got too dreary, but not before Children from Senior Infants, First Class and Third Class braved the elements and planted crocus, daffodil and snowdrop bulbs around the surrounds of our school. A special mention must go to our wonderful parent volunteers - Swapna, Joanne and Rónán - who must have gone home with tired muscles after Michael put them to work! Every child planted at least one bulb and we know they will feel very proud in the Spring when they begin to see the fruits of their work pop their heads through the soil! Huge thanks must also go to all of the parents and families who donated bulbs, tools and compost to our drive. We were astounded by the response to our appeal and we can't wait for you to see the flurry of colour in Spring that will have been brought about by your generosity! Next week Michael will visit again and give an opportunity to the remaining children in our school (and Scoil Níamh) to plant up the remaining beds. We look forward to seeing him!
Introducing the children to the New Wing. ^
The celebrations later! ^
December 2024