Thank you!
We would like to say a big “thank you” to you, the parents, for supporting the education of your child. Thank you also to our wonderful Parents’ Association and any parent who volunteered their time or supported fundraising during the year. Here’s just a sample of what you have achieved!
You the parents are central to the development of our school and we all greatly appreciate your contributions.
New Class Opening
We are delighted to announce that Citywest Educate Together N.S. will be opening a Special Class for Children with ASD in November 2015. This is great news for our school and community.
Teachers for next year (your child’s new teacher is highlighted)
Junior Infants - Claire Healy, Ross O’Corráin & New Teacher
Senior Infants - Aoife Blood, Eldon Hilliard & Jenna Boland
First Class - Mary Treasa Barry & Orla Traynor
Second Class - New Teacher
Third Class - New Teacher
Support teaching - Anita Collings, Deirdre O’Connor & New Teacher
Special Class for Children with ASD - New Teacher
Are you leaving us?
If, for any reason, your child is leaving our school, it is really important that you tell us straight away. We have a waiting list for places in the school and we need to enrol a certain number of pupils in order to keep all the teachers we need. It is really important that we know if a child is leaving the school so please inform us immediately if this applies to you.
If you find out over the summer that your family is moving or your child is leaving the school for any reason, please e-mail me at [email protected].
End-of-year School Reports
End-of-year reports were posted on Friday 19th June. If you have not yet received one for your child, please let us know so that we can check that we have the correct address for you and reissue the report.
A message from our Parents’ Association
It’s been a busy year for the Parents’ Association. We would like to thank everyone who has supported activities in the school over the year. Whatever your input - from a tray of cupcakes, to standing every morning, whatever the weather, in the car park with a smile on your face, to attending PA meetings, every contribution is significant and appreciated. As parents of children in the school, we are all automatically members of the Parents’ Association, so everyone is welcome to attend meetings and get involved. A few of us hold particular posts on the committee, but the association itself is for and includes everyone – so please don’t be shy! If you find it difficult to attend meetings you can also get in touch through the PA email: [email protected] or join the PA FacebookGroup:https://www.facebook.com/groups/393679434107255/ . As parents, our overall goal is to make the school experience for our children a positive one. We can only do this by helping raise funds, develop positive relationships with one another and by getting stuck in with various aspects of school life.
We will be hosting our 2nd AGM in September/October 2015 (date tbc). At this event we shall be presenting our Annual Report and looking to nominate new committee members, as well as recruiting more parents to support the PA in its work and at meetings. Please keep an eye out for updates on our upcoming AGM via our FaceBook page.
Lastly, a reminder that the Second Level Start-up campaign has begun so please keep an eye out for this– it is an important initiative being done on behalf of our children and needs all the support it can get. Have a great summer, from The Parents' Association.
1st day back at school
School starts back on Monday 31st August at 8.30am for Senior Infants - 3rd Class and 9:10am for our new Junior Infant children. We look forward to seeing you then.
If there is any difficulty with starting on that date (e.g. because of building works) we will send a text. If you have changed phone number or your number changes over the summer, please let us know immediately by emailing [email protected].
Please remember to take particular care in the car park in September. With new families starting in both schools, it will take some time to settle in. We really appreciate you taking an extra few minutes to stay safe, to be patient and to allow others get used to the routine. The PA hope to run the Drop Off programme again for the next school year. It is envisaged that this will begin in mid- September. The PA need volunteers to continue running this program. If you have 10 minutes to spare in the mornings and would like to get involved contact the PA at [email protected].
Have a wonderful summer!
We wish you a lovely, safe summer break. We hope the children enjoy lots of play time and lots of family time. Tallaght library have some great projects for children over the summer and we encourage you to go along to develop your child’s love of reading and learning.
The summer break is a wonderful opportunity for your child to get immersed in your mother language. But please remember to expose them to English over the summer too!
Thanks again and see you all soon,
Anita, Nicola, Claire, Jenna, Ross, Marie, Eldon, Orlaith, Aoife, Mary Treasa, Mary, Móna, Kerry, John & Caitríona
Citywest Educate Together N.S. Staff