When the Student Council asked the children at the senior end of the school (3rd-6th classes) for ideas, they gathered dozens of fun, wonderful, creative ideas. They then shortlisted those ideas and took them to the children at the junior end of the school (Junior Infants - 2nd classes), and had those children vote for their favourite ideas from within that list.
This democratic process made it clear that children across the school love Movie Days and Pyjama Days. Since these do not need to be centrally organised, the Student Council decided to simply communicate that to class teachers, and ask them to organise one of each of these days this year, at their own discretion.
There was also overwhelming support for three additional themed days. These events have now been shared with the staff, who will get working in the background to bring the ideas to fruition. We think you'll agree that they certainly sound exciting! We have also listed the provisional dates for these events:
Art Day - 27 February
Rainbow Colour Run - 17 April
Water Fight - 17 May
These themed days will join the annual staple events of Sports Day(s), 6th Class Graduation, and 2022/23's new addition: Citywest Summer Games - all of which take place in June.
Keep your eye on our calendar page for any updates to activities in the school!