If you might be interested in your child attending a second level Educate Together school follow here is what you can do now:
1. What you can do right now to help with this campaign
- Parents and Guardians can complete an 'Expression of Interest' form http://www.educatetogether.ie/Secondlevel2015
- Spread the word (Social Media, email, whatever works!!) and circulate the link above to friends, family, neighbours, associates etc... as far and as wide as possible, encouraging parents / guardians to complete expression of interest forms.
- "Like" the Educate Together Facebook page and "like and share" the posts linking to the second-level campaigns
2. What you can do to support the national office with specific awareness raising in these local areas
- Have a look at the attached Volunteer Role Description
- If you have some time and can get more involved locally in Celbridge, Ballinteer or Tallaght-Kingswood, contact our Volunteer Officer, Sarah Williams on [email protected]