First we have rescheduled our gardening day for tomorrow, Tuesday 24th November! We would love to involve one or more parents in this day. Its a great chance to work with the children AND improve our school space. Any parent is welcome, whether its for the whole day or for an hour. Just let us know here and then turn up tomorrow:
Your child will have the opportunity to visit the library and read some fantastic books each day during the fair. Please come and visit it too. You can buy books, or just have a look, each day of the fair at these times:
- Thursday 26th Nov
- 1pm to 1.30pm
- 2pm to 2.30pm
- 1pm to 1.30pm
- Friday 27th Nov
- 8.15am to 8.40am
- 1pm to 1.30pm
- 2pm to 2.30pm
- 8.15am to 8.40am
- Monday 30th November
- 8.15am to 8.40am
- 1pm to 1.30pm
- 2pm to 2.30pm
- Tuesday 1st December
- 8.15am to 8.40am
- 1pm to 1.30pm
- 2pm to 2.30pm
While teachers will supervise the children at the book fair during the school day, we would love to invite some parents in to help with the times people will be buying books. Please consider helping out once or twice. Its not much to give up - half an hour of your day - but it will be of great help to the school!