Have a read of our nominations for this week; are so proud!
- Noah in Sarah L's class walked so safely in his classroom. He took his time walking to the sink and safely got in line. Well done Noah!
- Dominic, Azlan, Fiachra, Vas and Mahian from Deirdre's S.I. were safe and careful pod leaders this week.
- David from Sarah OT's 4th class always makes sure the gates on the basketball courts are shut before and after yard.
- Well done to Arminas in Aoife's 4th class for showing a great awareness of physical distancing and for being mindful of others' space.
- Lucas, Conor, Daniel and Apurva fixed the barriers on yard (and showed excellent teamwork to do it quickly!)
- Artas created a safe classroom by noticing that a coat had fallen on the floor and reminding its owner to hang it up.
- Isabelle in Laura's class creates a safe classroom by always remembering to lift her chair in under her table. She takes her time doing this and shows respect to our classroom property.
- Well done to Jaime for doing the Covid checks upstairs every day, which helps to keep our school safe.
- Leon was very safety-conscious when he reminded his friends to maintain their distance at yard time.
- Alexa and Sienna cleaned up a mess on the floor so other people wouldn’t trip.
- All of Andrea’s class were nominated for continuing to improve in their line and walking safely throughout the school.
- Sophia and Alison in 4th Class were helping out their friend who was on crutches. They both showed kindness by carrying things for her.
- Ayaan, Anastasia, Cillian for fixing the barriers on yard when they had been moved out of the way, and for working really well as a team to do so.
- Sarah C's first class were coming back from PE during Paudie's class' Daily Mile time. Paudie saw 1st Class coming around the corner to go back into the building and he stopped his line. Everyone else who was running stopped behind him and waited to let 1st Class pass safely to the yard.
- Calista stopped to let a teacher out of the staffroom. Well done on having lovely manners too!
- Conor in Sarah O'T's class is always doing such great physical distancing in school. Well done!
- Well done to Anu from Sarah C.'s 1st Class for being a super line leader this week, and making sure to stay 2m away from other lines while moving though the school.
- Eeshal waited safely while another class passed her in the corridor. She stood back and was sure to leave a 2m distance between herself and the class. Thank you Eeshal!
- Ethan from Amy's 3rd Class showed a lovely act of kindness on yard this week.
- Camilla in Martha's 3rd Class is always very safe in the classroom and on the yard. Well done Camilla!
- Lora in 2nd Class is always helpful and hardworking in class.
- Well done to Lilla for showing great enthusiasm with her learning, putting her hand up all the time and doing her best work.
- Abdulrahman - for being kind and welcoming, making sure others in the class are included.
- Anna in 6th class impressed her teacher in English this week. She is a fantastic reader.
Our certificates this week went to these four classes:
- Cleanest class = Claire's class
- Cleanest bathroom = Ruth McEvoy's class
- Best line = Andrea's class
- Friendliest class = Ruth Maxwell's class
Well done to all!