Next Course starting in September 2013
in Killinarden Family Resource Centre,
Killinarden Way, Tallaght
(runs for 14 weeks: 10am –1pm - start date and morning tbc)
What is it? We are a friendly and relaxed parenting programme that looks at a new topic each week that can help with children’s problem behaviour.
Results have found that families were able to make real improvements in their child’s behaviour after completing the course.
Who is it for? If you have a child between 6yrs and 12yrs who is struggling with behavioural difficulties, if you are concerned about your child and their
future, and if all previous strategies have made no difference, it’s for you!!
How will it help?
It will increase your skills in dealing with your child’s problem
It can increase your confidence and reduce your feelings of stress
It can help you bring out the positive behaviours
It can help you decrease your child’s problem behaviours
What does it cost? Nothing, it’s free!! Childcare also available!
How do I apply? Get in touch with Joy O’Shaughnessy on 0879808856, email [email protected] for an application form or drop into Killinarden FRC and register your interest.