- July Provision for children with autism, including some lovely day trips to playgrounds, play centres, gardens and farms, run by teachers in Citywest ETNS
- Sports Camp, run by teachers in Citywest and Saggart CNS
- MADD (Music, Art, Drama, Dancing) Camp, run by teachers in Citywest and Saggart CNS
- LEGO camp, run by Bricks4Kids
- Arts and Crafts camp, run by Artzone
The empty school building will allow our builders to get stuck into the heavy work of connecting up our new classrooms, which are to be added in September. We are very excited to be getting 7 new teaching and learning spaces for our school and we look forward to using them. When the new classrooms are ready, which we expect will be at least the middle of September, we will be vacating the classrooms on the 2nd floor so that our friends in Citywest and Saggart CNS can use those classrooms, as they too have expanded and need extra space.
John continues to be very busy making use of the almost-empty school, giving every room a deep clean and painting corridors. Make sure to appreciate his hard work when you come back!
We have been busy recruiting new staff for our school. Our Staff page is updated so that you can know who everyone is before coming back to school.
As the summer continues, remember to check the booklists and make sure you have everything you need for coming back to school. Parents of children in Junior and Senior Infants don't need to buy any books, copies or stationery. Parents of children in higher classes have some books, copies and stationery to buy. Remember to click onto the Web view of the booklist page so that you can see the lists.
The school office will reopen on Tuesday 29th August.
School reopens for children in existing classes at 8.30am on Thursday 31st August and for children starting Junior Infants at 9.10am on Thursday 31st August.
As in previous years, we regret that the amount of families accessing our campus does not allow for classrooms visits on the first morning. However, we invite parents to visit classrooms on Wednesday 6th September. Visits will be from 12.45pm for families of children in Senior Infants and from 1.45pm for families of children in higher classes. Siblings, grandparents and childminders are welcome too, of course!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! See you on 31st August for another great year!