To that end, we are seeking clarity on your wishes, and have put together a survey to enable us to gauge the general feeling in relation to the logistics of providing this service.
1. Swimming lessons should be mandatory. (If you answer that swimming lessons should not be mandatory, please note that one of the consequences listed in Q2 will ensue)
- I agree
- I don’t know
- I don’t care
- I disagree
2. If you answered that swimming lessons should not be mandatory, please state your preferred supervision option for the children who opt out:
- Children who opt out of lessons would travel to the swimming pool on the bus (and pay for the bus) but watch the lessons from the viewing deck with the teachers
- Children who opt out of lessons would travel to the swimming pool on the bus (and not pay for the bus) but watch the lessons from the viewing deck with the teacher
- Children who opt out of lessons would be sent to another teacher’s classroom, to carry out independent work at the back of that classroom
- Time would be taken from the Learning Support Teacher’s timetable, to supervise the children who have opted not to partake in swimming lessons
- None of the above – I answered that swimming lessons should be mandatory
- I agree
- I don’t know
- I don’t care
- I disagree
- Volunteers must be parents/guardians of children in the school
- Any adult from the school community who volunteers is welcome (e.g. grandparents, child minders, partners of parents/guardians, older siblings)
- Volunteers must be Garda Vetted (this would need to be initiated months in advance of swimming lessons)
- None of the above – I answered that the school should not seek parent volunteers
- Yes
- No
- I answered no to Q5
- The child’s own parent volunteers to accompany them on the swimming trip
- The school allocates two parent volunteers to assist the child (Please answer Question 7 below)