A nine week, home-help programme called the Forward Together Programme which aims to accelerate the child’s progress in reading and writing will begin on Tuesday 21st February. This has been done in several schools with great success. The programme will run from 13:10-14:10 on Tuesdays from 21st February and will be facilitated by the Senior Infant teachers.
Research shows that intervention at this time in the child’s learning journey is effective and sets the child up for success in the key areas of reading and writing. This is a once off programme that is offered to selected parents of children in Senior Infants. A programme of this kind is not offered at any other time in the child’s primary school journey.
If you have not received a letter in relation to this programme, it is not relevant for your child. If you did receive a letter, we look forward to seeing you on Monday 13th February at 13:10 in Mary Treasa's room.
Please note this meeting is for parents only. Alternative childcare should be arranged ahead of the meeting.